Monday, November 15, 2004

My First "REAL" Post.

I can't even believe it.
Writing on this thing is way more fun when you're under the influence.
Anyway, now that I've attained said state I'm much more free in thought. The worries of the world, evaporated as they now are can no longer burden my attention.
With that said, however, I now find myself completely void of all meaningful thought save for one concept. The fact is, I'm listening to A long Way Down by Matthew Good and it is completely worth my time and attention to let that fact be known to all of you fine people. The smarter ones among you will now be moving to your respective music players to play this fine song. The pirates among you now will be moving to their respective file sharing programs to download it if they don't already have it. Otherwise the first case applies. In any case find a copy of it as you won't be sorry.
With that out of the way, my thoughts are drawn to the game I've been playing for a few days now; Halo 2. Any of you familiar with the original Halo will know it's a great first person shooter game for Xbox and Pc that was released a few years back. Likely, the largest flaw of the original game was it's long repetitve level design, ultimately reducing a lot of the action (as fantastic as it is) to long slow drags up the same corridor fighting hordes of foes.
Halo 2 fixes that, adds a bunch of incredible bump mapping making the master chief look cooler times 8, throws in a bunch of new weapons and foes, the ability to dual wield guns, xbox live compatiblity, makes the ally and enemy AI waaaay smarter (npc marines can drive the Warthog for you now at least moderately well) and ups the storyline by several quarks.
All said, it's a kick ass game, even if the single player campaign is too short (and ends with a dirty cliffhanger). So those of you out there with an Xbox, go pick it up and give it a whirl.
Those of you out there without an Xbox, burn in hell.
Or buy an Xbox.
And Halo 2.
With that said, I depart for slumber as I have an early rise tomorrow and a math test to write.
Good night all.

Expecting your positive aura tomorrow at school,


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