Wednesday, September 21, 2005

More updates on ... well ... me.

Well here I am in St. John's for another term and all that. Been here a while but I haven't updated because it took Aliant forever to get my fuggin internet to work. I am, however now back in business, back in school and back to wondering why the hell I'm doing so. I'm actually sitting in my Computer Science 2710 (3 hour) lab on this fine, wednesday afternoon. I have the sections of the lab done that myself and my counterpart Smokey could mull through, but I gave up on the rest, resolving myself to peruse the topics revolving around arrays and string tokenizers the next time I see a JAVA FOR DUMMIES book.

Other than that and keeping in mind the fact that I hate the higher educations, things are going well. I'm doing an essay about Quantum Computation for my CS2760 (Encountering the Computer: Society and the Individual) course, which I'm doing fairly well with. Any of those among you who've had the ultimate pleasure of having a few beers or rockin da gange with me assuredly heard me rant on about quantum entanglement and the effect that using matter to do calculations for us will have on society. So sufficed to say I'm sorta in my element there.

Oooh, also, It's Pearl Jam concert weekend. The weekend I've been looking forward to since mid-summer. My gorgeous girlfriend and her sister Aleah (Who's being a bigger slack-ass than me in updating her blog.) are flying to town tomorrow to see it with me. PUMPED I am. My brother was also suppose to be coming to town to see it as well but he pussed out. (Yeah, you Terry.) Still no word on brother #2. But in either case it should be interesting.

Also, I'm back to working on Birth of a Defect, but as I said last time it's slow goin's. It's gotta be purrrfect. I will tell you that it's progressing rather nicely and I'm well over half-done my first draft. (I don't normally "do" drafts, which makes for low quality work, I know, so like I said, this ones gunna ROCK.)

Hrmm. I think that's about it right now. I doubt I'll get anything done over the weekend as there's gunna be many more important things to do. Well, more like 3 more important things, but they're very important and time consuming. So I'll touch home again with all ya fags again next week some time. Stay outta trouble, and if you're actually reading this, how the hell did you know to check back? I barely ever update this, and as of late my updates haven't been anything other than ramblings. Keep up the ESP.



At Thursday, September 22, 2005 7:47:00 p.m., Blogger tpcmurray said...

ESP Terry here, checkin in again.

Dude, like if you can't figure out some programming concept in labs and you are actually like .. on the internet .. why not web msn your big software architect brother who's been geeking it up in various programming languages since 1986 (no joke) and ask him! Bet I could give you some interesting questions to ask your prof. Pftt .. prof .. if s/he can really code tell it to get a job that pays more than 35k a year. Likely makes about 1/3 of what I do, guaranteeing s/he'll know not of what you speak. I hated MUN.

Good to see you back there! Have fun! :)


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